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Blue Ribbon Endorsement


In 2024, Washington County Family and Children First completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process and earned the highest designation: Blue Ribbon Affiliate status. Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate affirms that Washington County Family and Children First is among the highest quality members of the home visitation and parent education field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.  







Help Me Grow Home Visiting serves families who enter the program prenatally or up until their child is 2 years of age, and can remain eligible until age 5.  Credentialed Home Visitors provide the Parents As Teachers (PAT) curriculum; referrals and resources; developmental screenings; parenting tools assessments; and a Family Plan. 


The program has four goals, which are:


  1. to increase healthy pregnancies,

  2. improve parenting confidence and competence,

  3. improve child health, development and readiness, and

  4. increase family connectedness to community and social support.



Who is eligible for Home Visiting?

  • Expectant families or caregivers of a child under the age of two whose family
    income is not in excess of two hundred percent of the federal poverty level.


Washington County also serves as the Home Visiting Provider for Morgan County


Ohio's Help Me Grow program launched Sparkler, a new platform for families and providers (early care and education, schools, medical) to be able to complete developmental screenings and share the results and resources with each other. 


If you are a pregnant mom or

have a new bundle of joy,

call us at 740-374-4954

to find out how we can

support you!

Home Visiting Team

Online Learning.

The Help Me Grow Home Visiting Program is administered by Washington County Family and Children First.  If you need further assistance please call our office at (740) 374-4954.  

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