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To Promote

Healthy Children

Strong Families

Thriving Communities


We Ensure

Shared Responsibilites

Shared Resources

Shared Results


Accomplished by




Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) is a partnership of state and local government, communities and families that enhances the well-being of Ohio’s children and families by building community capacity, coordinating systems and services, and engaging families. 

OFCF's vision is for every child and family to thrive and succeed within healthy communities.


Established in 1993, OFCF is defined as the Governor's Children's Cabinet with the purpose of streamlining and coordinating government services for children and families.  The OFCF Cabinet Council is comprised of the following Ohio Departments:  Aging, Developmental Disabilities, Education, Health, Job and Family Services, Medicaid, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Opportunities for Ohioians with Disabilities, Rehabilitation and Correction, Youth Services, and the Office of Budget and Management.  Locally, the county commissioners establish the 88 county Family and Children First Councils (FCFC).


Family and Children First Councils are mandated to perform four core functions:

  1. Shared Accountability

  2. Engaging and Empowering Parents

  3. Building Community Capacity

  4. Coordinating Systems & Service


Family and Children First Council (FCFC) connects the dots to eliminate redundancy and bring resources together for planning, monitoring, and improving outcomes for families and children.


In short, FCFCs are the only entity that "connects the dots" for children and families who are in need of multiple services. 

Ohio Family and Children First - Environmental Scan Final Report

Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) conducted an Environmental Scan with Measurement Resources, in 2023. Many Councils provided feedback, recommendations and resources to this work.  


The intention of the scan was to ensure OFCF had a more robust picture of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that local FCFCs are facing in this current landscape, and to be in possession of data and feedback that could help shape the strategic planning of the future.  The results from this Environmental Scan will support OFCF’s goal of ensuring Ohio has a comprehensive continuum of services and programs for children and families. Data will be used to identify the key issues, trends and opportunities that impact and influence local communities.


So what’s next? OFCF is partnering with The Case Western Reserve University, Center of Excellence (COE), to convene a statewide strategic planning committee in January 2024.  

The final report can be found here: Environmental Scan 2023 | Ohio Family & Children First


Washington County Family and Children First Council mission is to promote coordination and collaboration among county and local governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, schools and families in a manner which fosters wellness and self-sufficiency for families and increases child well-being.

The Vision of the Washington County Family & Children First Council is that all children and families thrive and succeed within healthy communities.


Established in 1995, the Washington County Commissioners voted to transition the Inter-System Cluster to a Family and Children First Council.  Council consists of mandated members per Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 121.37, Parent Representatives, and Community Representatives.  Council meets 10 times a year.


Council elects an executive committee who act on behalf of the governing board on an emergency basis and specific duties.  Standing Committees were established under the Council Constitution and Bylaws and specialize in particular subject areas.   


A Council Coordinator (Director) is hired to control and oversee all of Council operations, staff, programs, and initiatives. The Director develops and executes grants applications, communicate and maintain trust relationships with agencies, business, and partners.  Ensure policies and guidelines are developed and communicated, oversee Council financial performance, and provide strategic advice to Council.  Other staff is hired to maintain office duties and work on specific programs.


Each county council shall designate an administrative agent for the council. A county council's administrative agent shall serve as the council's appointing authority for any employees of the council, The council shall file an annual budget with its administrative agent, with copies filed with the county auditor and with the board of county commissioners, unless the board is serving as the council's administrative agent. The council's administrative agent shall ensure that all expenditures are handled in accordance with policies, procedures, and activities prescribed by state departments in rules, grant agreements, or interagency agreements that are applicable to the council's functions.


Washington County Commissioners

Charlie Schilling

James Booth

Eddie Place




Each board of county commissioners shall establish a county family and children first council. The board may invite any local public or private agency or group that funds, advocates, or provides services to children and families to have a representative become a permanent or temporary member of its county council. Each county council must include individuals listed in Ohio Revised Code 121.34 (B)(1)


President - Rachel Shipley

Vice-President - Amanda Bohlen

Treasurer - George Goddard

Secretary - Dawn Rauch




January 2025 Minutes


February 2025 Minutes


March 2025 Minutes


April 2025 Minutes


May 2025 Minutes


June 2025 Minutes


August 2025 Minutes


September 2025 Minutes


October 2025 Minutes


December 2025 Minutes


Cindy Davis - Director

Jon Higgins - Financial Officer / Office Manager

Teresa Schilling - Office Assistant

Elaine Corbitt - FCF Service Coordinator

Megan Gilliam - FCF Service Coordinator

Andrea Nichols - Early Intervention Service Coordinator

Liz VanPelt - Early Intervention Service Coordinator

Jennifer Clatterbuck - Early Intervention Service Coordinator

 Christina Coulter- Home Visiting Program Manager / Supervisor

LeAnn Welch - Home Visitor

Tracy Augenstein - Home Visitor

Laura Langley - Home Visitor

Kym Bungard - Home Visitor

Shannon Simers - Home Visitor



344 Muskingum Drive

Marietta, OH 45750


or call 740-376-7081


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

2017 Washington County Family and Children First

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