Washington County Family & Children First is excited to offer this highly acclaimed, evidence-based program FREE to parents in our community! The Incredible Years Preschool Basic (IYP) parenting program is designed for for parents with children ages 3-6 years. IYP strengthens
parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and
fostering parents' ability to promote children's social, emotional, and
language development. Parents also learn how to build school readiness
skills and are encouraged to partner with teachers and day care
professionals so they can promote children's emotional regulation
and social skills. In the parenting groups, trained Incredible Years®
facilitators use video clips of real-life situational vignettes to support
the training and trigger parenting group discussions, problem solving,
and practice exercises.
Program Topics:
Program 1 – Strengthening Children's Social Skills, Emotional Regulation and School Readiness Skills
Program 2 – Using Praise and Incentives to Encourage Cooperative Behavior
Program 3 – Positive Discipline – Rules, Routines and Effective Limit Setting
Program 4 – Positive Discipline – Handling Misbehavior
Program Goals:
Improve parent-child interactions, building positive relationships and attachment
Improved parental functioning, less harsh and more nurturing parenting, and increased parental social support and problem solving
Prevention, reduction and treatment of early onset conduct behaviors and emotional problems
Promotion of child social competence, emotional regulation, positive attributions, academic readiness and problem solving
The Incredible Years® are evidence-based, proven effective programs.
Incredible Years® programs have been applied in more than twenty countries.
Incredible Years Preschool Basic Program is a 14-week program
for parents of children ages 3-6 years.
The program is offered once a week for two-hours and provided by trained facilitators.